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When positivity means jack shit (depression & mood)


Sometimes a person can't help how they feel.
No amount of rays of sunshine or cute kittens can make them "snap out of it" so to speak.
Sure many people go through episodes like...
Yet many people don't.

Suddenly there's an ogling group of people trying to hack your brain and find out why you're "sad" or "depressed"

For me, at least, I'm not depressed, but I got through some pretty drastic mood swings... much like bipolar actually.

There's no why to the notion of being sad most of the time. It just is. No answer to have.

Because of this, others will instantly try to find out what could possibly be causing this because THERE MUST BE A REASON!!!

"Aww, hun, tell me what's on your mind, how are you feeling..." *soft caressing*

I'd rather not be talked to like I'm a five year old.

"Talk your feelings out! It'll make you feel better!"

I could scream until my lungs are sore about my feelings...
Hmmm... still don't feel any better.

"Be more positive!"

Story of my life right there. 

I mean come on, that only works on either dumb people or people who aren't actually depressed in the first place!

I had an old friend's mom one time  try to "help" me with my "issues"... she gives me a card that said 3 bullshit phrases like "I will make no assumptions about others", "I appreciate myself", "I am beautiful" Told me to say them to myself everyday when I woke up... Assumingly trying to pull me through my "depression", huh?

I literally gave her that look like in the picture above (minus the finger bang) You must be fucking outta your mind!

And this is why I hate most people we can't have nice things...

They call us the crazies, huh? Pretty sure the "normies" are the aliens on this planet!

I know it's hard to get something that you've never been through, but the ignorance is out of fucking control.
It's like, hey, I don't get country music or fake nails or obsessive mothers talking about their genius level babies or Uggs or lesbians who pretend to be boy pop stars Justin Bieber?? 

...but I'm not gonna preach...

It'll get better, look on the bright side! I have the solution! Listen to me! LISTEN.
*shrink back* *nods*
Act like you're happy! 
Are you happy yet?
How about now?
No... ??


Everyone wants to help each other, but some things don't have answers do they?

Which is frustrating as fuck.

Human beings are pretty selfish, they believe that it is something they are doing, when it has nothing to do with them in the first place, right?

Having a friend question what they were doing to make me feel certain ways, and all I could ever say was "it has nothing to do with you..."

People don't appreciate the answers I give them, when they are the most humble of truths... I find that odd. 

Why does everyone pretend the truth is not the truth; or want some sort of water downed version, not everything is happy or fixable yeah?

I tend to tell the truth if asked now, since before that's "gotten me in trouble", and by that I mean, some people are just superficial assholes. Fine, be as deep as a kitchen sink, fine. Don't get all huffy at me if you can't handle the truth.

I'm not going to censor myself when you ask me how I am... 

Superficial life is incredibly dull to me. 

But you know, we've got plenty of people willing to go with the flow of society, so I'll let them handle that.


If you want to help someone like me, just be there for them. Silently being there and listening closely to the words being said. They mean something after all...

A shoulder to lean on... for people in need.

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