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So... How's our country doing? 6.19.2013

So I believe this bitty country called 'Merica is continuing to fall apart, huh? From conspiracies to political manipulation to institutions failing apart...


The whole NSA scandal is just affirming that America doesn't particular know what they're doing and, worse yet, doesn't know how to keep their damn mouth shut about it.

My aunt worked at the NSA (she was 3rd in command/highest ranking woman actually during the 9/11 attacks... AKA super important person) who then moved on to be the assistant director of the FBI before retiring... because let's face it, she probably put up with so much shit she said enough after a while.

She recently told me something interesting, how America just can't figure out the Middle East; like it's some kinda of eccentric puzzleWhich is very clear considering we've been fighting a war that doesn't make any damn sense, along with giving no help to a genocide going on in Syria for 2 years... almost 100,000 people have died... that's fucking ridiculous.

The G8 summit went well, huh? Basically the richest of the world's countries, (except for ones the general population doesn't like???) get together and talk about important issues have din-din. Family photo was taken and everything. How cute. Assumingly Germany was the mother, since that's the only woman present... I'm sure Japan tried to keep the topic away from their central banking (since Japan weakened the yen to encourage inflation). Hey I don't blame them, the tsunami fucked over thier country oh-so-royally and I saw that first hand! Meanwhile Cananda's too busy with their crack cocaine smoking mayors, right? Sibling rivalries were had: US and Russia can't agree on jack shit apparently in regards to Syria...

It's so blantantly obvious Russia does not like US... 

So what got accomplished at the G8 summit?

"Man... I hope we solve this mystery..."
...And nothing happens!

It seems like most of the general population of America can't tell the difference between Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, and Terrorists. 

Wait which one are we fighting a war against?

Didn't we claim that if Syria was using chemical weapons against it's people, that we'd intervene? 

Fact Proven.
America: Uhhh... well we need to talk about this guys...

No one wants to get "involved" with Syria, so it's okay that their government is killing it's own people, right? They're not American, it's totally not our problem! ... we're too busy being peacemaker in another country who- er- wait, not sure what the difference is... What country am I talking about again?

Brian: Peter, this is the site of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
Peter Griffin: Oh so Saddam Hussein did this?
Brian: No.
Peter Griffin: The Iraqi army?
Brian: No.
Peter Griffin: Some guys from Iraq?
Brian: No.
Peter Griffin: That one lady who visited Iraq that one time?
Brian: No, Peter Iraq had nothing to do with this, it was a bunch of Saudi Arabians, Lebanese, and Egyptians fianced by a Saudi Arabian guy living in Afghanistan and sheltered by Pakistanis.
Peter Griffin: ...So you're saying we need to invade Iran?


But no, we have 2 Americans (The 3rd being Chinese) die from a bombing in Boston and people flip a SHIT but 100,000 people dying in Syria being killed by their own government, no one even bats an eye?


We're all human beings!

No wonder Hong Kong is praising Snowden for being a hero for "whistle-blowing"... half the world wants America to get knocked down a few notches (Let alone everyone wants to know our secrets so they can fuck us over later). Snowden, indeed did a few scabillion things illegally, thus he shouldn't be praised for it. I don't give a shit if it's whistle-blowing. 

How the hell is any of his information any sort of shocking, anyway?

I'm not shocked. Whatsoever. I thought it was pretty clear the government was spying on it's citizen since, what, the 60s??

The governement is taking our information illegally!! How rude!
Go look at your fucking facebook! The Government has plenty of information from you and they didn't even DO anything.

Guess what , common American? You're not that important. Calm down.
Please inform me, common folk, how much knowledge you have about any of the governments operations...

Frankly the way Snowden approached this situation, he's just being a bit of a narcissist douche, in my honest opinion. Sure you've now told a bunch of Americans who have NO IDEA how any sort of systems work in the NSA and other government intelligent departments in the first place, but now you've told every one else in the world about them.

Yeah, congratu-fucking-lations you jackass. Now you can't come back to America. (Meanwhile his girlfriend is like... umm WTF is going on?)

Now the NSA has to literally explain in great detail what they've been doing and talking about they've been uncovering plots, etc. 

The whole point of the NSA is to do a bunch of stuff and NOT BE SEEN DOING IT. (It''s very clear the majority of this country simply cannot handle the knowledge of what goes on... point in case with what's going on right now.)

All while the world is now pointing and laughing going "Wow America, go home, you drunk."

We are drunk. We need to sit down and sober up.

So let's take a look, shall we? We have a president who got into office because of social issues that he was in better standing with... compared to the other party where each candidate was just... awful. Congress and Senate are run by a bunch of fucking old people (New Jersey? Oh, our senator DIED IN OFFICE... that's how old he was! That's absurd) Oldest man in the senate just broke the record for being the oldest man EVER in that position... How'd he get into office? Oh his daddy was in the senate as well. 

I can't even.

Our education systems aren't even teaching our kids to be intelligent and think for themselves? Oh that's not on purpose? I beg to differ. Having the general public of America being not that bright and easily manipulable I'm pretty sure is one of the government's agenda. Makes it that much easier for them.

Think about it, even with all the wikileaks documents leaked and this NSA surveillance being "whisteblown", but I can guarantee half the population still has no fucking idea what any of those documents actually reveal about this country.

Ignorance is bliss!
No. Ignorance is ignorance.

Oh Obama says he wants to educate the children?

Hmm... I'm pretty sure our kids are still pretty dumb. Throwing ipads at them and dumbing down college so that everyone can "have a fair shot" isn't education. Don't get me started on teaching for the purpose of taking a test.

All the kiddies are too busy worrying when Justin Bieber will post his next shirtless twitter twat pic... (which he, by the way, should just stop driving cars all together, he's gonna kill someone, seriously...)

Dammit Canada... Dammit.

Allegedly, the US and Taliban are going to sit down and have a heart to heart after a decade of violent outrages between the two...

Oh what a magical moment. I'm so proud of our country.

More talking that will create more stalling of action? Hazzah!
*Ahem* I mean congratulations, this took 30 years...
Major frustration...

Okay I think I got it all out... haha

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