I didn't have enough coffee this morning...
...should be an interesting day.
So guess what I need to talk about...
The news?
Please not again-
So the NRA had their annual conference this weekend (in Texas of course)...
I'd like to provide you all with a few
My favorite from Wayne I-got-my-gun-from-the-lord LaPierre who asked the important question "How many Bostonians wished they had a gun two weeks ago?"
*Raises hand* Oh! Pick me LaPierre! I can answer that one!
I'd say none.
In fact, I believe they would rather the terrorists NOT have guns.... otherwise who the hell needs a gun in rural Boston? You gonna hunt deer with your high powered rifle on the streets?
LaPierre proceeded to use the same words he uses every damn year consisting of "If you are an NRA member, you deserve to be proud," and "exemplify everything that's good and right about America."
We get it LaPierre, you believe you're the gun wielding Jesus of the United States of
But don't fear gun loving people! You have Sarah Palin to speak for you as well! Aren't you proud?
(Please fill in definition of "mad" as you see fit...)
I think her husband hunts bears in Alaska? Possibly snipes Russia on the weekends? Not sure...
Oh my mistake...
She wore a shirt that said "Women Hunt" on it.
I swear, she's like one of those girls who thinks she video games and believes she needs to point it out at every chance she gets to her guy friends to sound cool... ; "I'm totally a
She's like a soccer mom who's gone ballistics...
She said some
Of all the people to talk about limiting freedoms, I believe a
I think Palin doesn't understand some levels of irony.
The 2nd amendment was quoted about 1000 times in only a few hours. Is that honestly the only argument here? I'd love to sit some of these people down and ask them about any other amendment, just to see if they're being biased or not... (Or if they can name any other amendment...)
Does Chuck Norris need a gun? No.
Any other argument is invalid.
Now I sound like I'm against guns.
I'm not. I believe people should be able to own whatever the fuck they want (as long as they are responsible). Frankly, in history, guns have protected a lot of people from a great amount of harm from either the government or other intruding parties...
However... some people are just ridiculous about it. Warping religious history and citing things that don't pertain to what the 2nd amendment actually represents is an absurd way to get
Just sayin'
That being said... the government is trying to pass some new gun laws that literally do nothing and don't help the situation whatsoever.
What happened to all that mental health care we were supposed to look into, huh?
Oh that was forgotten? Just like every other time it's been brought up? Since nothing's changed in the past 40 years?
Gotcha... Needed some clarification on that one...
This is why nothing ever gets done... ever in our country.
I mean this is 'Merica.
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