Not even stupid people, which stupid people can be incredibly frustrating... no.
It's the ignorance I can't stand.
So I was talking to one of my friends who's pretty 'Murrica in regards to foreigners being let into this country. (AKA I mean closed minded)
Okay fine, I get it, you're upset they don't speak English well and take our jobs.
As someone who has lived in another country where the language isn't my native... it's really fucking difficult sometimes.
I was talking to her about the Boston Bombings, since I've been on that since it happened and she goes "This is what happens... we let them into our country and then they blow us up."
Even though America's history is based on a bunch of people from other countries coming together to form a new one... fine, whatever, let's forget history for a moment.
So, me being a smart ass, I press her on the matter.
"So all the immigrants that come over to this country are terrorists, then?"
My other friend laughs jokingly "heh that's interesting." and a glare is followed by my other friend.
...but still funny.
Continuing being a smart ass I say:
"Clearly being a citizen isn't stopping people from gunning down children at schools or shooting up movies theater... is it? We don't really need any help killing each other, but sometimes foreigners go, hey that looks like fun, let me join in!"
Then I get up and go all Michael Jackson on her
Sometimes I can't help myself.
She can't win this argument... haha... Just an excuse to dance
Don't get me wrong, I understand what she's vaguely trying to say here but...
I'm kinda surprised people think that terrorists are our biggest threat against our wonderful American lives...
No, I'd say there's a lot of pissed off Americans who wanna kill people already in this country, it's apparent on the news everyday.
Hell some dumbass tried to send ricin to the President, amirite?
Even better the FBI arrests the wrong guy and insert my favorite quote from false suspect: "...and I thought they said 'rice' and I'm like I don't even eat rice!"
he then proceeds to thank "baby Jesus" or some shit... hahah...
Not even the children are innocent anymore. In Philadelphia, currently we have had constant situations where little children (yeah 10/11/12) are robbing people at gun point on the streets.
The next day I see a segment on the news about "my first rifles", little rifles given little children so they can learn how to use guns.
I loled at the irony.
So moral(...??) of the story? Now my friend's pissy at me because I made fun of her "beliefs"... haha...
...I just couldn't help myself.
I wanted to dance like Michael Jackson...
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