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Politics 2015 - Website Edition

Or as I like to call it po-lol-itics.
(Take this as serious as you take the internet)
Our nation is divide between the far too hypocritical PC police and the overzealous all-about-me ignoramus. 
It's almost as if -GASP- the political runnings are reflecting our current country status. What a coincidence!
So... who do we have?
A business entrepreneur who's fired a great deal of people, allegedly, and owns some casinos that are, quite frankly, very shiny and pretty to look at. -insert TRUMP taj mahal- (Seriously it's ridiculously shiny for no god damn reason) who goes on twitter rants to "prove points"...

Oh, no, he'll make a great president.
His website has him giving the peace sign. Is this a Nixon reference or is he trying to be a cute Japanese girl?
A doctor who can't stop telling people that he separated Siamese twins. Because that's the onlything he knows how to do apparently.

"You've got Questions? Ben has answers!" #ASKBEN.
Okay Ben. How does a belt buckle stop a knife. I want a demonstration.

Everyone seems to "hate" Donald Trump (though secretly agree with 80% of what he says) and condemn him for being racist and ignorant, when Ben Carson does the exact same fucking thing, and people laugh and go "oh his calm voice is so soothing." Both of these people are leading the polls and both know NOTHING about politics...
Good job Republicans.
Wait… there’s more?
Carly Fironnichachi reminds everyone that Hillary is banking on the fact that she’d be the first woman president, but she doesn’t do that by reminding everyone that she’s also a woman but doesn’t discuss that she’s a woman because she points out that Hillary does that instead. But not her. She’s a man’s man.
My head hurts.
Fironnichachi doesn't just have answers to her questions she assumes you'll ask her, but with videos of her, just in case you thought someone else did her website for her. 
Marco Polo’s e-mail sign up question is Are you ready for a New American Century? Starting a little late there huh? (Or is it early?!)

Sometimes tweets taken out of context... make little sense.
Speaking on "and how is this relevant?".
George Bush’s Brother's website has a photo archive that “tells the story of America’s best conservative governor” 
I wish they'd provide some context clues. Makes sense with his Dr. Seuss slogan of “Jeb can fix it”.
Chris Christie “tells it like it is” because he’s so fucking Jersey he can explain all the bullshit you ever wanna hear. Ever. Even the stuff you don't wanna hear. He'll tell you ALL THE SHIT.

Ted Cruz’s website is HILARIOUS. He sells Cruz Gear, has videos of him “telling off the media” and you can even get the Cruz Crew APP!

He makes sure you know he's a die hard fan of Jesus too. #CruzlovesJesus
I think his website is run by a 12 year old fangirl. Still waiting for his Tumblr.

Huckabee looks like Nixon, right? RIGHT?! Nixon came back from the grave to run for president again, right? Man Futurama was so on point.
And that's it- wait there’s even moreNo, I’m done learning new names.
On the other side we've got a legit la-la-liar of former senator/benghazi fireball who pretends to be PC but really hates everyone who doesn't already agree with her call her (madam) president. 

Hilla-lol-ry has literally been on every liberal media outlet and comedy program to gain support from the youngins because she wants to be "cool" and "hip". (Trump does the same thing and suddenly he's a terrible "person" and a "jackass" for doing so.) Obviously these are the kids that don’t realize she’s married to Bill Clinton, right?
Her website lists every issue that by the time you get to G, you’re like “peace, I’m out.” She makes sure to cover every possible liberal issue in the world. Except why she’s qualified for presidency.
Then the
communist excuse me socialist who will try to bankrupt our country more with his ridiculous ideas from Jupiter.
Free college and no debit. La-la-lols.
Get big money out of politics. Excuse me, only huge narcissist rich douches run for president.
Real family values. –clears throat- lolsies to the tenth power, good luck with that one. America can’t even figure out it’s moral foundation baseline.
His list is almost as bad as the “madam’s”.
A hashtag #FeeltheBern has started for Bernie. Should be #Feelthedebt or #FeelikemovingtoMars? or #Feeltheeconomiccollaspetocomeifhebecomespresident
Martin O’Who? May have the most stoic website out of anyone. Literally his picture looks like he’s a statue.
Good job Democrats

I feel like I'm in the god damn Twilight Zone.
I need a stiff drink.

Meanwhile in Russia
Putin rides shirtless on horseback with a shotgun over his shoulder, ready to ride each dawn and dusk for 3 years straight on his quest to murder all of ISIS himself. Along his way he so far has battled dungeon trolls, collected rare jewel amulets, and a band of followers behind his gallop.

Fun fact: His shirt was burned off by a dragon. No wounds are found because he is Marvel superhero Wolverine in disguise. He since has slayed said dragon.

Meanwhile in Germany

Merkel has stayed up for 3 weeks straight trying to find a good selfie to use against Obama if ever need for blackmail. 

Die Iron Frau knows no softness. She hasn't smiled in 5 years.

Meanwhile in England

Lives an immortal ruling the land. 
 There have been 12 U.S. presidents, 7 popes, and has owned more than 30 corgis during her reign.

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