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2016 First Presidential Debate SUMMARY

Translation of everything Lester says; “I’m not biased. I swear. Please believe me.”
Whelp. This should be good.
(This may possibly turn into a drinking game)
Oh the fake shake. I love it.
Lester: Jobs. Go.

Hillary: Let me thank stuff first to delay my answering. Future. Mention my granddaughter because cuteness will help me win votes. Jobs. Future. Jobs. Technology. Jobs. "Small Business" mentioned twice drink twice. Work.
Donald: I’m acknowledging you Hillary because I hate you. Thanks Lester. FUCK MEXICO. I mean jobs. China mention the earliest in debate history. Mexico again. Jobs. Leaving. Everyone’s leaving. Stop those jobs from being stolen. Refusing Taxes. "Ronald Reagan" mention and drink to that Republican bliss.
Hillary: We're 5% of the world. (We’re not only 5% of the world, we have a shit load of population yo.) Tax cuts! “Trumped Up Trickled Down?” LMAO. Down your drink for that gem. I was not as fortunate as Trump? (GTFO Hillary.) Get that small business bid in again. "Middle Class" mention DRINK.

Trump: Wait I only got a small loan and CHINA. Trade Stuff. Jobs. Mexico again. Business talk that no one understands but me. Happiness, my happiness. Trump is on a roll. "All Politicians are douches" roll. AND THE DEBT. Drink. TAXES FUCK THEM. Stop those jobs leaving. They took our jooooobs.
Hillary: Wait let me talk about Taxes now. So the 1930s sucked. We had that again in 2008 yo.
Trump: THAT’s called BUSINESS btw.
Hillary: ABYSS of economy collaspes, oh nuuuuuu. Let me talk about Trumps tax plan because it sucks. But my plans are awesome. Trust me. I’m Hillary. Let me talk about energy. Trump likes China’s climate stuff
Trump: I Don’t think the Chinese are correct about climate shit. But they created it.
Hillary: Bitch please I’m talking. No going back to past, we don't want the past again.
Trump: She’s a piece of shit, that’s a lie. Energy and debt? Come on y’all. Again the debt? Obama did that. Again 30 years Hillary, come on yo, what did you do? Think of stuff.
Hillary: Actually-
Trump: No I’m talking.
Hillary: Okay I talk now.

Hillary: Trade deals? Jobs in America? What did I do again? Oh I will not mention Benghazi right now. Foreign policy, I’m kidding, trade deals? We have trade with China (umm they own our debt though???)
Trump: I talk?
Hillary: No I-
Trump: I FUCKING TALK. Where are our jobs?? I bring up your husband now. NAFTA.
Hillary: Wait what is that?
Trump: Gold standard?
Hillary: No.
Trump: Uh, yeah!
Hillary: “I know you live in your own reality.”
Trump: Um no IS IT OBAMA’S FAULT???
Hillary: Different views lol I want to look at stuff. Jobs.
Trump: NO PLAN!
Hillary: I do.
Trump: NO PLAN!
Hillary: Read my book?
Trump: NOPE.
Hillary: Growth? Responsibilities, let me hit all those keywords in scrabble. Jobs.
Trump: Tax Cuts and Businesses go? Ronald Reagan. New Jobs. "Regulate" time to drink. Regulations x10.

Hillary: No wait I wanna talk Lester. Claims.
Trump: Facts.
Hillary: My website fact checks (lol website fact checker, get the fuck outta here)
Trump: Look at mine too!
Hillary: Wealthy stuff.
Trump: I’m talking Lester fuck you. Hillary tells us how to fight ISIS?!?!
(Lols I am dying, this is the best debate ever)

Lester: Umm, I'm really nervous, so….. Taxes?
Trump: Jobs, Jobs, and tremendous job. Middle class mention drink. Overseas and money back? Bring that money back. Taxes. Leaving to other countries. (to be fair this is accurate, he knows business, but) MONEY x10. Also screw Obama.
---Hillary I will mark a mark on my paper here like boop.---
Hillary: I make a joke about being blamed about stuff
Trump: Um duh (thinking joke isn't a joke)
Hillary: I-
Trump: I WANNA TALK. Braggadocious is the new Malarkey.
Hillary: Proposal mention, drink. Propose. Trump loophole. What?
Trump: But I wanna talk.
Hillary: I am talking.
Trump: NO.
Hillary: Mess and stuff in 2008. Wealthy? We need to do more. "Rebuild middle class"? Drink (because that phrase has been said for the past 30 years now) College and debt free? (If I had to pay for college, so should you.)
Trump: All talk no action our country is suffering. Bad decisions they’ve done. Stock market mention drink. Obama and golf. He likes golf but I like money!
Lester: I’m talking about Taxes though, umm tax return?

Trump: It will be released. Federal elections I mention? Income. I’m so boss I tell you exactly how much I’m making. (I mean damn yo) More trade stuff. "Negotiation" drink. I’m audited all the time lol I make so much fucking money. I should complain but I won’t, I’ll only tell you I should be complaining but not actually complain. "Hillary E-mails" mentioned DRINK IT DOWN.
---Audience goes crazy---
Lester: Umm audience silence?? Please? (Audience will not care)
Hillary: "Prohibition" mentioned drink. Maybe he’s not rich or charitable? Business dealings, what’s that? Maybe he’s lying. He didn’t pay federal tax.
Trump: That makes me smart. (LOL)
Hillary: But why u no pay taxes? You hiding something yo.
Lester: Emails?
Hillary: I made a mistake. Oops?
Trump: Umm a mistake? GTFO. Wait let me talk about my tax return. Let me provide those bank names. I have a great company by the way, did you know that? HEY I KNOW MONEY SO I SHOULD RUN THIS SHIT. I’m gonna bring up airports now. We’re a 3rd world country now because of our airports? Middle East reference DRINK. Fuck these politicians yo. We don’t got no money because of Middle East.
Hillary: so those federal income tax? I met a bunch of little men, like your drapery installers, like my dad, yeah get those sympathy points. What about his work?
Trump: Um I didn’t like it.
Hillary: But he worked hard. My late father didn’t work with you and I’m happy. Feelings.
Trump: Hey my company is fucking boss yo. Don’t be hatin’. You gonna change the laws? Nope? Kay. Business that’s what I do. I will get to Pennsylvania Ave one way or another, I’m opening stuff up there fuck you guys Imma be president somewhere. Budget mentioned so Drink.

Lester: Ummm can we talk about something else? ……….Race.
Trump and Hillary: OH HELL NO.
(I wanna hear this.)
Hillary: Oh yeah race is a problem, I mean not a problem, but like I want everyone to love each other. Because that’s shitty. Let me mention Tulsa and Charlotte. I know those places. Restore trust…. Police and communities? Training and stuff. To be well prepared to use force when it’s necessary, (which is almost every time.) I understand black people. Yeah. Policing is brave but reform, I’m staying totally in the middle. GUNS mentioned. DRINK. Gun. But I’m totally in the middle because holy hell I don’t wanna pick a side to this.
Trump: Words you forgot? Law and Order? We need it. Charlotte. And others places, where the fuck is Tulsa again? "FOP" mention Drink. "Police", drink. "Inner cities", drink, it’s so dangerous. Stop the violence. Obama hey your Chicago 4000 died. Stop and Frisk lols. Gangs equal illegal immigrants. Police are scared now shit people are mean.
Lester: Stop and frisk is um unconstitional.
Trump: Um no you’re wrong.
Lester: Racial profiling?
Trump: Take the guns away from bad people. You need more police and community relations. Ferguson mention drink. Dallas police killed mention Drink. Law and Order. Inner cities. African Americans and Hispanic.
Hillary: He says this as his rallies. But he’s negative with the black people, I’m not. I love black people.
(Honestly that’s not what he said, that’s weird she’s say that)
Hillary: Hey crime is down shut up. (Except in 2015 it went up 4% but whatevers) I say Latino instead of Hispanic. Radicals stuff blacks get more arrested than whites. Racism in criminal justice system. I wanna bring a plan in that will stop criminals. (what the hell does that mean?) Guns. I want them gone. "Background checks" mentioned drink. Prohibition to those terrorists yo. We know who they are.
Trump: I agree with half of what you said.
Lester: Biased people against blacks?
Hillary: Um well everyone has that. (Lol cop out.) Budget training for bias that makes no sense!! "Mental Health" mentioned DRINK. Oops people are crazy, we need to handle them, but it’s okay if they get killed.
Trump: NRA loves me by the way 2nd amendment. Super predator? Stop and frisk away from gangs?
Hillary: -I nod to this-
Trump: Stop and frisk stopped stuff yo. 2000 to 500 murder? Hey not too bad.
Hillary: But murder continues to drop.
Trump: Um no lol
Hillary: But communities do stuff to stop murder.
Trump: Yeah.
Hillary: I have no idea what I’m talking about.
Trump: I love New York.
Hillary: "Rights" mentioned and drink. Yeah those communities.
Trump: Blacks are let down by politicians. Fuck you guys. "Inner cities" mentioned drink. Used and abused to get votes.
PHILLY SHOUT OUT REPRESENT! …..Oh shit our city sucks dammit!
Hillary: Umm fuck you Trump -gets applause-
Trump: Obama I thought was a Muslim, whatever. He turned out his birth certificate. AND ISIS. AND JOBS. BORDER. Important stuff like that.
Lester: umm answer?
Trump: Yeah I thought he wasn’t American whatever. I cared that’s all.
Hillary: Oh jesus Christ. He’s a racist. Imma mention first black president now (bitch he’s a halfie) Donald’s career he is terrible because racist with departments. He’s sued because he’s a business man. I personally love Barack Obama. Let me mention Michelle now.
Trump: Umm you debated him in 2008 and you were a bitch to him. I was sued but didn’t get convicted, hello I’m a business man. I opened a club and I’m not racist, it’s a successful club. But that’s how I do things.

Lester: dear god let me say something else..... CYBER ATTACK! AHHH what do we do???
Hillary: Security is like a big deal yo. I will not mention Anonymous here. Russia those bastards Mention Russia because Putin likes you Trump right?
---I went to the bathroom what happened?---
Hillary: I’m still talking about Russia. Trump invited this hacking shit from Russia.
Trump: lols what?
Hillary: He is unfit to be president because of Russia.
Trump: But admirals want me to be president. Political hacks you are silly, I don’t care about you. I got generals. Also Russia? What about China? Bernie Sanders mentioned?? Drink I guess. We came up with the internet and now look at the internet, ISIS IS RULING IT! (Whaaat?)
Hillary: Wait I have a plan to defeat ISIS… online. (eye roll) I don’t know anything about the Middle East even though I was Secretary of State. Al Qaeda called out, bring it old school, Bid Laden remember him?
Lester: But Americans are ISIS yo. New Jersey mention represent. So home grown stuff be like…?
Trump: Take out ISIS? Obama and Hillary created ISIS. Oil we should’ve taken it but now ISIS.
Hillary: Fact checkers? Invasion of Iraq? Trump?
Trump: Nope.
Hillary: You loved Gaddafi, Bush did the troop thing not Obama but American ISIS? Intelligence is important. We need to look for every scrape of information (TOTALLY WRONG I know this personally) New Jersey mention represent. (we can’t gather all the information, that’s silly, you collect the information that is IMPORTANT) Trump insults Muslims by the way. Muslims can I get your vote?
Trump: Middle East is a mess. Didn’t you do that. Iran deal? NATO but I’m a business guy and common sense. 28 countries not paying money, lols I love business, cheap shot to New York Times, NATO terror division love it. Money. NATO, but do that terror stuff. “I’m not gonna get credit for it” DRINK. We need to fucking kill ISIS by the way. Obama did this.
Lester: Iraq war?
Trump: I was against the war in Iraq.
Lester: Record?
Trump: Nope. I said ‘who knows’ back in the day. Economy. Hannity shout out yo. But why were we there in Iraq? There’s an article, believe me! I didn’t like the war in Iraq.
Lester: But judgement?
Trump: I have better judgment and better temperament
---Lols erupt from the audience----
Trump: Winning temperament. I am a winner. WINNING.
Hillary: lols what? Nato, 9/11 mention DRINK. Nuclear bombs are bad mmkay. Iran deal haha I stopped bombs. Taunting is bad mmkay. Japan shout out represent (NO EFFING WAY JAPAN WOULD HAVE NUCLEAR WEAPONS GET OUTTA HERE.) Nuclear weapons is the number one threat but America developed it………….????
Trump: Nuclear is the biggest threat, not global warming, like stupid liberals think. We defend too many people, Jesus fucking Christ that’s a lot of money.
Lester: I-
Lester: Oh god let me talk, current policy about nuclear stuff oh god fine talk Trump.
Trump: So our technology isn’t up to date with nuclear stuff. North Korea shout out. China should destroy North Korea (except they're an ally lol) Iran has power over North Korea...? Yemen shoutout how random. Iran deal was shit. Iran president guy isn’t happy.
Hillary: Words matter (lol feelings) America likes defending countries, let me make that clear. Iran stuff. Where’s your ISIS plan.
(NO one has a plan to defeat ISIS fucking hell)
Hillary: Can I pretend I’m answering the question by not answering the question?
Trump: Hillary says to go to her website for that plan to defeat ISIS. Japan shout out again. But we don’t need to be in Japan so much. We aren’t the police of the world. Hillary doesn’t do business but I do, money yays! Wait ISIS is a threat? Why?

Lester: So Hillary is a woman.
Trump: She doesn’t have the look or stamina (lol that cold)
Lester: But that was-
Trump: Lester did you ask me a question? I will fucking answer it. Saudi Arabia shout out. Japan shout out again what the hell?? Hillary doesn’t have stamina.
Hillary: Lester I went to 112 countries btw I’m global. (how many were in Africa?)
---Audience goes crazy for an old lady travelling---
Trump: Bad experience she has. Please not 4 more years of this.
---Audience goes crazy for bad experienced old lady---
Hillary: Trump hates women. I will say things that I think Trump said.
Trump: I never said that.
Hillary: I know a Latino and she’s voting for me.
Trump: What the hell are you talking about? Rosie O'Donnell shout out lol. I hate HIllary's negative ads. Not nice. I don’t deserve that. "Polls" mentioned DRINK.
---Damn all this audience participation.---
Lester: So both of you can’t be president.
Hillary: I support the voters. But Vote for me please. Future depends on it.
Lester: …both of you can’t be president.
Hillary: I guess I'll support Trump.... I'm lying to your face.
Trump: “I wanna make America great again” FINISH THAT DRINK. Immigration and those citizens.
Lester: …both of you can’t be president.
Trump: But I will support Hillary if I don’t win. I’m totally lying to your face.

Lester: OMG we got nothing covered fuck.
Hillary and Trump we shake like we give a shit about each other.

---Insert internet going completely insane---


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